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Responsive image

Supervisory Development Course Track I (Face to Face)

Training Date : March 04, 2025 to March 06, 2025
Training Time : 8AM
Total Training Hours : 24
Training Venue : TBA (Within Tuguegarao City)
Training Fee : 8400


Course Brief Description:

This course is the first part of the three-track training program designed by the Civil Service Commission and the United Nations Development Program for first line supervisors. It provides the structure for supervisors to re-examine their attitudes towards themselves, their career and others.

Target Audience: 

Emerging Leaders and Supervisors, Unit Heads, Section Chiefs, Division Chiefs, Department Heads.

Training Fee: P 8400

Payment of registration fee should be done at least five (5) days before the schedule of the training. Payment can be made through:

1. Cash paid in the CSC Regional Office No. 2 or any of its Field Offices

2. Bank deposit or Fund Transfer (through any e-payment facility) to the CSCRO II Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) Account

Account Name: Civil Service Commission

Account No. 0122-1001-89

Account Branch: Land Bank Tuguegarao

The electronic copy of Proof of Payment (Official Receipt/Deposit Slip/Fund Transfer, etc.) should be uploaded through this link:

Please note that only  proof of payments uploaded through the above link will be processed for the issuance of official receipt. Any proof of payment sent to any of CSC RO II emails will not be processed.

For inquiries or any concerns, you may contact 0954 365 5151or email us at or

Information Collection And Use:

The  Civil  Service  Commission follows all legal requirements to protect your data and privacy.  We collect several types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our services. We may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you, or for data processing for the purpose of activity-organizing, record keeping, and archiving.